Banjarmasin Inclusive School Visitation
Kota Kita and GIZ visited two inclusive schools in Gadang, Banjarmasin to assess the environment. The schools were very welcoming of the idea of a safe school zone for their students.
September 2019
Kota Kita and GIZ visited two inclusive schools in Gadang, Banjarmasin to assess the environment. The schools were very welcoming of the idea of a safe school zone for their students.
September 2019
Kota Kita and GIZ visited Urban+ Institute, an urban design practice, in Jakarta for an initial meeting.
September - October 2019
In January 2020, the pilot project for a safe school zone kicked off. Relevant stakeholders were engaged and included to understand the necessary steps towards implementing the safe school zone in SDN Gadang 2 and SMP 10.
January 2020
In February 2020, the team conducted site surveys and organized internal design workshops at Urban+ Institute office to plan for the co-design process.
February 2020
Kota Kita, Kaki Kota Banjarmasin, and Urban+ Institute conducted workshops with students in SDN Gadang 2 Banjarmasin to understand their aspirations and co-design their desired safe and inclusive school zone.
March 2020
Kota Kita, Kaki Kota Banjarmasin, and Urban+ Institute conducted workshops with students in SMPN 10 Banjarmasin to understand their aspirations and co-design their desired safe and inclusive school zone.
March 2020
The stakeholder workshop discussed the issues and needs of a more inclusive and safe school zone, using the students’ point of views and team’s observation.
March 2020
After being discussed in the previous stakeholder workshop, students’ aspirations from the safe school zone co-design workshop were also addressed with Mayor Ibnu Sina. By recognizing the challenges and being open to finding solutions collaboratively, the Banjarmasin City Government showed its commitment to support the initiative.
March 2020
A field assessment was conducted and formalized by the Department of Transportation, Department of Public Works, Kaki Kota, SDN Gadang 2, SMPN 10 Banjarmasin, and parents’ representatives.
August 2020
Kota Kita and Urban+ Institute conducted a design workshop to review 3 alternative designs to address the implementation of safe school zones while addressing the challenges (i.e. waste management issues, street vendors, parking area).
August 2020
Kota Kita organized a final online workshop with key stakeholders to agree on the safe school zone design before starting the construction.
March 2021
In April 2021, Kota Kita organized an online kick off meeting of the Safe School Zone Pre-Construction. This kick off meeting was attended by related stakeholders and project implementation teams such as the contractors, civil engineering consultants, and field supervisors.
April 2021
In April 2021, Kota Kita in collaboration with the technical team began the construction process of The Safe School Zone. The process started with a mutual check conducted by the team to inspect the design carefully according to the situation on the site.
April - September 2021
From April to September, the Safe School Zone development process took place.
April - September 2021
In July 2021, The Green Building, one of the components of the Safe School Zone development was completed. After the development, this garbage collection area has become much more organized and clean.
In August 2021, Kota Kita organized a participatory art activity for elementary school students, in which 63 students participated by coloring illustrations and narrating messages about their aspirations for the environment and inclusivity.
From August to September 2021, in collaboration with local artist collective KUNE, Kota Kita organized a mural project on the school front wall. In the form of story panels, artists picked up messages and aspirations conveyed by school students from the previous art activity.
August - September 2021
In September 2021, the construction process was finished, and the facility was ready to be used by students and residents of Gadang.
September 2021